SAFETY Act Information

Category Abbreviation:
Category Description:
SAFETY Act Information includes any and all information and data voluntarily submitted to the Department of Homeland Security under this part (including Applications, Pre-Applications, other forms, supporting documents and other materials relating to any of the foregoing, and responses to requests for additional information), including, but not limited to, inventions, devices, technology, know-how, designs, copyrighted information, trade secrets, confidential business information, analyses, test and evaluation results, manuals, videotapes, contracts, letters, facsimile transmissions, electronic mail and other correspondence, financial information and projections, actuarial calculations, liability estimates, insurance quotations, and business and marketing plans.
Required Warning Statement:
Required Dissemination Control:


  • Safety accident reports


6 USC 441
6 CFR 25.10

Applicable DoD Policies