What's New

Date Page Action
June 4,    2024 Training Resources Added links to Workplace Reference documents for CUI shorts under CDSE.
May 22, 2024 Training Resources Added DoD Presentations section and added "Appropriate Use of Controlled Unclassified Information in DoD" presentation.
May 15, 2024              Training Resources Added links to the DoD Procurement Toolbox.  The toolbox is a collection of tools and services to help you and your organization manage, enable, and share procurement information across the Department of Defense.
May 2, 2024 Training Resources Added links to new CDSE CUI Shorts.
April 18, 2024 Policies and Forms Added NIST publications.
April 5, 2024 Main Page Added Component POCs button with links to Component POC information.
March 18, 2024 CUI Registry Added 10 U.S.C. 4021 reference to PROCURE (Procurement and Acquisition index) and PROPIN (Proprietary Business Information index) categories.
March 11, 2024 Policies and Forms Added a memorandum "Clarifying Guidance on CUI Training Requirements."  This memorandum states the CDSE-developed CUI course is the official DoD CUI training course and will be used for initial CUI training.  Additionally, it is available for annual refresher training.
February 15, 2024 Policies and Forms Added a memorandum "Revised Policy on Sharing CUI with Foreign Entities."  The memorandum states DoD personnel may provide CUI to foreign entities in order to conduct official business for DoD and the U.S. Government if there is a lawful government purpose to do so, unless the document is expressly marked NOFORN.
February 1, 2024 CUI Registry ISOO approved a new Defense CUI category - Privileged Safety Information (PSI).  The category has been added to the Registry.
July 20, 2023 Policies and Forms Added a memorandum "Clarification of Controlled Unclassified Information Policy Regarding Disclosure to Members of Foreign Governments."  While the memo is addressed to NORAD, the policy applies to all foreign governments.  As stated in the memo, "Accordingly, NORAD and other authorized holders of CUI may share CUI with representatives of foreign governments..."
June 27, 2023 CUI Registry Made minor changes to the DoD CUI Registry and created a link to the new page.
June 7, 2023 CUI Registry The CUI Registry PDF and Excel files have been removed as they were outdated.  Please use the new CUI Registry.
May 5, 2023 FAQ Created FAQ page and added frequently asked questions.  
April 6, 2023 Main Page Posted a CUI Registry Change Request form.
April 6, 2023 Training Resources Posted a CUI Basics for DoD Personnel infographic.
April 3, 2023 Training Resources Posted a CUI Basics for Congress infographic and FAQ.
March 29, 2023 CUI Registry The new DoD CUI Registry is complete!
March 23, 2023 CUI Registry Established a new CUI Registry.  Added buttons for each organizational index grouping.  Clicking on the button will take you to a list of categories.  Clicking on the category name will take you to a new page with information on abbreviations, category descriptions, required warning statements and dissemination controls (as applicable), examples of the type of information that fits into the category, the authorities, and associated DoD policy.
March 20, 2023 Policies and Forms Added CUI policy memorandums, related policy, and forms.