Distribution Statements

Distribution statements are placed on technical and scientific documents in accordance with DoDI 5230.24

The categories listed in Paragraph 4.3 of DoDI 5230.24 are separate and distinct from the CUI categories, although there is some overlap, and they form part of the distribution statement.

Shows the category for distribution statements comes from DoDI 5230.24.

The use of a distribution statement on a document does not automatically mean the document contains CUI.  Only two CUI categories, Export Controlled and Controlled Technical Information, require a distribution statement in place of the limited dissemination control (LDC).

When using a distribution statement, it will be annotated in the CUI designation indicator block -   Controlled by:
                                                                                                                                                           CUI category:
                                                                                                                                                           Distribution statement:  B

The distribution statement will be written out in full on the title or first page of the document - 

Example of a distribution statement on a document