CUI Designation Indicator Block

The CUI designation indicator block is required on all documents containing CUI.

Place the block on the lower right side of the title or first page.

The block consists of:

Controlled by: identifies the organization (DoD Component, contracting company, or any other organization authorized to create CUI documents) and the specific office or division.  Companies with contracts with the U.S. Government can place their company name and office on this line.

CUI category: identifies all categories of CUI contained in the document.  The category may be spelled out for clarity, but when using the abbreviations, use only the ISOO-approved category abbreviations and acronyms as listed in the DoD CUI Registry.

Distribution statement or limited dissemination control (LDC):  place either the applicable distribution statement or LDC on this line.  Do not use both on the same document.  See the FAQ for additional information on distribution statements.

- The absence of an LDC on a document means anyone with an authorized lawful government purpose is permitted access to the information but does not imply or authorize public release. 

- The distribution statement will be written out in full on the first page of the document as well as being annotated by letter in the CUI designation indicator block.

POC:  will contain the name (government employee or contractor) and phone number of the individual creating the document, or office mailbox for the originating organization.  Do not use group, office, or team names.
Sample CUI designation indicator blocks:
Controlled by:  OUSD(I&S)/IAP
CUI category:  BUDG
Distribution statement:  B   
POC:  John Brown, 703-555-0135

Controlled by:  OUSD(I&S)/IAP
CUI category:  BUDG
POC:  John Brown, 703-555-0135