Federal Grand Jury

Category Abbreviation:
Category Description:

Material obtained pursuant to a federal grand jury subpoena, which includes (1) any reference to a specific sitting grand jury; (2) any documentation or data obtained by a grand jury subpoena if disclosure of such material tends to reveal what transpired before or at the direction of the federal grand jury; (3) documentation prepared specifically for the federal grand jury; and (4) transcripts or other recordings of testimony presented to the federal grand jury.

Required Warning Statement:


Required Dissemination Control:




  • Recorded testimonies
  • Subpoenaed documents
  • Audio or video from the jury's chambers
  • Documents created specifically for the grand jury


18 USC 3771(c)(3)
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 6(e)
Justice Manual (previously known as US Attorney's Manual)

Applicable DoD Policies