Word Documents

Markings are for training use only.

Word documents, e.g., memorandums, letters, reports, have the same marking requirements as all other documents:

"CUI" at the top and bottom of the first or title page.  Interior pages may be marked with "CUI" or 'UNCLASSIFIED" if there is no CUI on the page.

CUI designation indicator block at the bottom of the first or title page.

Portion marking is optional, but recommended.

Document markings will be conspicuous, immediately apparent, and will:
Alert holders to the presence of CUI.

Identify the organization and office of origin.

Identify the CUI categories in the document.

Provide guidance on distribution or dissemination.

Documents marked in accordance with previous guidance do not require re-marking.  All newly created documents will carry compliant markings.

Warning statements required by the applicable law, regulation, or government-wide policy will be placed on the first or title page.  Do not use disclaimer statements asserting a document or product "may contain CUI" on documents and emails.

Example of CUI markings on a memorandum      

Example of CUI markings on a report