Portion Marking

Markings are for training use only.

Portion markings apply to the information immediately following the portion mark.  

Portion marking is mandatory on documents:
- Sent outside of DoD.
- Sent to the Defense Industrial Base.
- Signed by DoD senior leadership.

In all other instances, portion marking requirements will be determined by the Component Senior Agency Official.

If any portions are marked, then all portions will be marked.  Portions include subjects, titles, paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, bullet points and sub-bullet points, headings, pictures, graphs, charts, maps, and reference lists.  Don’t apply portion markings to the CUI designation indicator block.

When portion marking, mark all portions containing CUI with “(CUI).”  Mark portions with unclassified information with “(U).”

Portion marking is not required for sub-paragraphs or sub-bullet points if they carry the same control markings as the main paragraph or bullet point, but marking of all portions is required if any sub-paragraph or sub-bullet point has a control marking that is different from the main paragraph or bullet point.   

Examples of correct and incorrect portion markings
Example of portion markings