
Markings are for training use only.

CUI can be decontrolled in accordance with law, policy, or originating office or higher, when it no longer meets the criteria for identification and protection afforded to it under the CUI program.

Decontrolling CUI relieves the requirement to manage and protect it under the CUI program but does not constitute authorization for public release.  When a LRGWP associated with the CUI requires specific decontrol procedures, DoD personnel must adhere to those standards.

Decontrol under FOIA will be in accordance with the procedures defined by the DoD FOIA office for the review and release of information.

Decontrol CUI before requesting a public release review.  The information remains protected until authorized for public release.

For disclosures under the Privacy Act, CUI may be decontrolled only with respect to the limited disclosure to the individual who requested access to their records maintained in a system of records and not for any other purpose.

Example of decontrol markings:

Example of decontrol markings