Source Selection

Category Abbreviation:
Category Description:

The formal process of evaluating competitive proposals in accordance with policies, procedures, and criteria to enter into a procurement contract. Includes information prepared for use for the purpose of evaluating a bid or proposal to enter into an agency procurement contract, if that information has not been previously made available to the public or disclosed publicly.

Required Warning Statement:


Required Dissemination Control:


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CUI Registry

Links to Procurement and Acquisition Categories
General Procurement and Acquisition
Small Business Research and Technology


  • Information concerning proposed acquisitions 
  • ​Identity and number of bids
  • Trade secrets, commercial or financial information, and privileged or confidential information 
  • Information concerning trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, apparatus, and other matters All bids (including modifications)
  • Contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information before the award of a Federal agency procurement contract Economic or personal information within proposals

Applicable DoD Policies