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What is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)?

CUI is Government-created or owned UNCLASSIFIED information that allows for, or requires, safeguarding and dissemination controls in accordance with laws, regulations, or Government-wide policies.  It is sensitive information that does not meet the criteria for classification but must still be protected.

Why is CUI important?

CUI policy provides a uniform marking system across the Federal Government that replaces a variety of agency-specific markings, such as FOUO, LES, SBU, etc.

CUI markings alert recipients that special handling may be required to comply with law, regulation, or Government-wide policy.


The DoD CUI Registry will give you information on every category to include a description of the category, required markings, authorities and DoD policies, and examples.

Not every category or authority listed in the Registry will be applicable to DoD.

Quick Reference

List of Categories/AbbreviationsLimited Dissemination ControlsDistribution StatementsTrigraph Country CodesDoD Infographics